Main Applications:

Flow cytometry

Person in Charge: Matthijs Kol


Building 67/147 (Holthuis lab)
Bild "Cytometry & FACS:FACS_Calibur_Holthuislab_upload.jpg"

BD FACSCalibur


The BD FACSCaliburâ„¢ platform offers a modular approach to flow
cytometry and allows users to perform both cell analysis and cell sorting in an single bench-top system. Designed with multicolor application support in mind, the BD FACSCalibur flow cytometer provides flexibility to support a wide
variety of research and clinical applications.


  • FACS analyser
  • Lasers:
    • 488 nm (FITC, AF488, PI, GFP, PE, YFP, Per CP, Cybr. Green, Syto 9)
    • 640 nm (APC, Cy5, Af647)
  • Filter sets for 6 optical parameters: FSC, SSC, 4 fluorescence parameters


  • CellQuest Pro 4.0.2 (Macintosh)
